Its time for CHARITY !!
Mari membeli sambil menderma ..yeay :)
RM1 from every purchase made in December 2009
will be donate to
United Nations Children's Fund

What your donation can provide ?
RM 1 = 1 vaccine dose to immunise a child against polio.
RM 12 = 1 thick blanket to protect children during emergencies.
RM 50 = 2 long-lasting mosquitoe nets to protect children from malaria.
RM 400 = 700 doses of measles vaccine for children.
RM 800 = 1 "School-in-the-Box" for 80 children to continue schooling.
RM 4,000 = 5-year supply of paediatric HIV drugs (capsules) for one child.
" Make ur pledge today to help the children of Malaysia survive and thrive."